Chapter 33

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'Hello.' Kaya's voice woke you up; she was standing in the door opening, she was talking to Thomas. Then she hugged him, he looked sleepy, cute.

'What time is it?' You asked.

'Hey, (Y/n)' Thomas his voice was gentle. The way he looked at you was just something to die for, he looked at you with so much care.
You sat up in your bed and Thomas walked over at you. You hugged him. 'It's 8 o'clock.' He added.
'Good morning, (Y/n),' Kaya said, she was now standing next to Thomas. 'Are you ready to go home?'
'Yes, please! How late can we go?' You answered, your voice suddenly excited. You let go of Thomas, and glanced at Kaya.
'Lilly says you can go home whenever you want.'
'Okay, let's pack up and leave, then.' You answered quickly, and swooped your legs over the edge of the bed.
'Easy, love. Let's eat some breakfast first, yes?' Thomas said giggling.
You rolled your eyes. 'Can't we eat on the way home?' You were to excited, you wanted to leave now.
'I bought sandwiches on my way to here.' Kaya said, and handed you a chicken sandwich. She handed Thomas a sandwich, too.
'Thanks, Kaya.' You said and quickly took a bite. It tasted good. You watched Kaya put your stuff in your bag, she had grabbed some clothes and your toothbrush, hairbrush from Thomas' place a while ago for you. She put the candy on top; there wasn't much to pack.

You changed after you finished eating your sandwich, Thomas still had to help you a bit with that because you were still weak. You hated that someone had to help you, and you felt a bit ashamed about it. But Thomas assured you he didn't mind, so you just had to get over it.

You thanked your doctors, and Lilly ofcourse. Everyone was so good and nice and gentle here, they deserved a proper thank you so you made sure they got it.
When you finally inhaled the fresh air, Thomas and Kaya on both your sides - helping you walk -, you lit a chigarette.
'God, I missed this.' You blew the smoke out and Kaya lit a chigarette, too.
You sat down on a bench in front of the hospital, waiting for the taxi. You were thinking about how good your life was right now, all the hospital crap had made you and Thomas and Kaya so much closer, you felt that. You felt so grateful for everything they'd done for you.
You were sitting between them so you but your arms around them and sighed. 'I'm so thankful for you guys, seriously I have know idea what I'd done without you.'
You glanced at Thomas from the corner of your eye, he was smiling, looking at the ground.
Kaya was the first one who spoke 'You don't have to thank us, (Y/n). We love you, okay? It was the least we could do,  we were so worried.'
You sighed and inhaled more smoke. 'I know..,' You said while you blew it out, 'I love you guys too.'
You glanced at Thomas, he was smiling but sort of crying at the same time. You put your hands on his face and kissed him. 'Why are you crying, you idiot?' You laughed while you kissed him again, letting a tear escape. Seeing other people cry and be a man about it wasn't your thing.
'Guys, are you okay?' Kaya asked next to you.
'Sure.' Thomas answered and we sat down straight again.

The cab brought you home.

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