Chapter 53

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It was Sunday night. Tomorrow everything would go back to reality: work. You were pretty nervous, because lately you read an article about yourself everyday. Mostly negative things, people were even Photoshopping you in pictures with other man... Thomas, however, didn't believe them luckily.
You were sitting in bed watching Netflix (the series Reign) with Thomas and you sighed. Thomas paused the series and glared at you. 'What is it?'
He stroked your skin lovingly.
'Just nervous.' You answered calm.
'Don't be. People will say horrible things behind your back, yes,' You glared at him, panicky.
'Not a great way of making me feel calm, Thomas...' You bit your lip.
'I was going to say: 'they'll say nasty things behind your back, yes, but what does it matter? We're happy. We are. They're just sad pricks that don't have a happy life of there own so they make up things to ruin other lives. It's sad.'
You turned your face towards him. 'I'm sorry, you might be right... It's just, new for me that people know stuff about me or know me at all. When we were grocery shopping I swear to God every single person glanced at me.'
'I understand... But you know what? I've been an actor since I was a kid and trust me, you'll get used to it... Plus, I don't think they were looking at you. They were looking at me, jealous that I soon have the most beautiful wife in the world.'
You rolled your eyes and brushed your hands through his hair. 'Shut up.'
'I'm not kidding.' Thomas said smiling and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me on his lap. You giggled.
You kissed Thomas' lips. Thomas whispered '(Y/n) Sangster... I can't wait for you to be my wife.'
Thomas laid you down on the bed and started to kiss your bare skin.

Thomas Sangster x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now