Chapter 5

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You looked at him, and smiled.
'You're really good.' He said, and smiled, too.
'So were you! So, you can act pretty good, you have a lovely voice, is there something you aren't good in?'

'No, I'm good in everything.' He said, and began to laugh. He laid down the guitar and laid on the ground. He closed his eyes, still laughing, his face was turned to the sun.
You glanced at him, he was so beautiful. Like an angel.

He opened his eyes again, and glanced at you sideways. 'Isn't it way to warm for a shirt with long sleeves?'
'Oh, no, I'm fine.' Yes, it was pretty hot, but you just couldn't wear short sleeves. You didn't want people to find out about your scars...

'So, I watched the Maze Runner last night, because I was curious.' You quickly said to change the topic, throwing in a smile to sell it well.
'Did you?' He asked surprised.

'Yeah. You're an amazing actor, Thomas. I'd read the books a while ago, and funny enough, Newt always was my favourite character.'

'Yeah, he's a cool character.' He answered shy.
'So have you read the books?'
'Yeah, I've read them all.'
'I remember Newt's death got me there...'
'Yeah, me too.'

'So, that girl, who plays Teresa, what is her name?'
'That's Kaya. Kaya Scodelario.'
'She's like, beautiful. Crazy beautiful. I regonized her, I did watch Skins when I was younger.'
'Yeah, she's a great actress and a good friend of me. The whole cast of The Maze Runner are like, my best friends. Especially Dylan... He plays Thomas.'
'That's nice.' You looked down again. As crazy as it was, talking with Thomas was easy, and that was something rare.

'So, what do you want to do, this midday?' Thomas asked.
'Do you have a motorcycle?'
'I do.'
'Shall we just drive for a while, I could show you around, and maybe have lunch after that?'

'Sounds like a good plan.'

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