Chapter 25

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The movie was amazing, fast pace with lots of action. You held Thomas hand now and then, squeezing it on the scary parts. You were so in love with him, sometimes you just looked at him instead of the movie, watch him breathe, watch him move. But when he looked at you you looked at the movie screen again, smiling. That's when Thomas would kiss your cheek or hand.     You ate popcorn and enjoyed the movie. It had been a long time ago since you've been to a movie theatre.

You sat down on a bench in the hall of the theatre, the movie had ended and a couple girls had surrounded Thomas. Thomas had mouthed you I'm sorry, just sit down somewhere and wait and you did what he had said. You just watched him, smiling and talking to his fans. They shot pictures with him, and he gave them his autograph. Now and then he would glance at you, smiling at you, like he was checking up on you, checking if you were still there. The girls hugged him, Thomas smiled at them and hugged them back. But it didn't bother you at all... You knew he cared about you. And he respected his fans, liked to meet them. But it didn't bother you....
That was what made you happy, you could count on him. Count on him to care. Count on him to stay with you. To only love you. All the insecurities fell away.
Thomas talked with the girls for a bit more, then it looked liked he told them he had to go, and he thanked them. He walked over at you, grinning. 'Let's go, love.'
You nodded and stood up, Thomas by your side. He grabbed your hand as you walked to the car. No more paparazzi, thankfully.

You drove to the restaurant where Thomas had made a reservation. You drove for 10 minutes, then you arrived there. It was a chic restaurant, you'd never been here before.

You and Thomas had a table in the corner. Thomas ordered a bottle of red wine. He smiled at you over the table, and you talked a lot about everything.
The food was expensive, but really good. You had ordered a lamb steak.
It was perfect: you drank wine, ate delicious food and talked and laughed a lot with Thomas. No awkward silences or anything, because he was your best friend. You were in love with your best friend, and you'd already spent a lot of time together in not a long period of time, and you felt like you knew him. And he knew you.

You'd never had a chic date before, only simple cinema or at home movie dates, but you loved this so much, not because of the date itself but because you loved Thomas so much. You'd never loved someone as much as you loved Thomas. You enjoyed every second you spent with him. You were the luckiest girl on this planet, you thought.

You shot a picture of Thomas over the table, and it was such a beautiful picture you put it on your background. Thomas did the same thing, you smiled into the camera and Thomas said 'Ah, that's adorable.' He smiled and added it to his background, too.
Thomas kissed you over the table, and you smiled in the kiss.

Thomas Sangster x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now