Too many questions

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"Look, tell me now, do I have to install a flight of steps up to my window?"

Sebastian chuckled as he clambered into Nyx's room. "Only if you want to."
Nyx gestured for him to come over. "So what have you been doing?"
"Not a lot."
"Come on, you can tell me."

He put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close, kissing the top of her head. "It's not very interesting without you."
"Yeah, but what are you doing? I- don't- really know what goes on in that place, but- I'm not sure if I like it." She stammered, trying to find the words. "I mean... I'm so confused. You held Evelyn prisoner, I know that. You told me yourself last time. And... you're involved with Lilith and... god knows what else. And I've been thinking about it and... what's going on? None of it makes sense."
He kissed the knuckles of her hands. "Never you mind. I don't want you getting involved."

"Tough. I'm getting involved."

He looked up at her, smirking. "Oh yeah? How so?"
"By... questioning you thoroughly first. And legally, I probably would have to tell the Clave about you, so respect that I haven't and answer the bloody questions."
"You can't trust the Clave! You're different, and they don't like it! Clary attempted to kill you, remember? Clary actually succeeded in killing you! If it weren't for Lilith, you'd be dead!"
"Yes, and that's what I'm worried about!" Nyx yelled, making him jump. "It was a little convenient, wasn't it! Clary kills me, turning her and the Shadowhunter's into the villains, and Lilith heals me, painting her as the hero and winning your allegiance! Do you even know what you want? Because whatever she's offering, it's not it!"

Sebastian screwed his eyes shut, breathing hard. "I'm not going to have this conversation with you now. I just... I just can't fight with you. Please, don't make me fight with you."
"You've changed. She's changed you. You once said you weren't this person, but you are. I can see it now."

"Yes, well, people like us aren't exactly normal, are we?!"

Sorry if this is a bit confusing, but it felt necessary.

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