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Evelyn laid the book down on the bed, opening it to a marked page.

The book was large and old; handwritten with articles and illustrations glued to its pages and heavily annotated.

Evelyn scanned the page, checking it was the right one. "This I got from a warlock scholar in the middle east, who I met on my travels. Septimus Djaan, you probably won't know him, he was a bit of a hermit. Unfortunately, he got killed by... actually, I don't know what by, but he bequeathed to me this book.
Now, he dedicated his life to travelling the world, and researching and recording information about rare diseases, attempting to find cures through both magic and science.
Now, looking through this, I discovered an interesting article. It starts off with a small werewolf village in Africa, which he visits in the late medieval era.
He writes 'it was both a disease of the body and the mind, driving the infected to insatiable madness, feeding their appetites and their lust for destruction until all that remains is the primal urge to consume. In the meantime, the body rotted and deformed like that of the dead. The disease was spread through the blood, the smallest scratch from the infected spreading the illness. The villagers however, do not seem afraid of contamination, claiming that those who contract the disease are cursed to.'
This rouses his interest, and he researches to see if there are any other, similar incidents throughout history.
And surprisingly, he finds a lot.
A pattern, throughout the countries of Africa. Not common mind. In fact, centuries between each outbreak, until you start to go really far back.
The oldest record, is surprisingly, ancient Egypt.
And every time, in every recording, those who get infected, are described as 'cursed'. "

Magnus glared at her. "You literally just said it was germs. Now it's a curse. Make up your mind. Which is it?"

Evelyn smiled slyly. "I expected this. But just take a minute. What if, the 'curse' isn't the disease itself? The villagers were very convinced they wouldn't contract it. The Mundane villagers."

Magnus's eyes went wide. "You mean..."
"... The term 'cursed' in this context refers to what old civilisations thought Downworlders were, and that they were the only ones to get infected? Bingo!"

Sorry if it's waffly, or doesn't make sense.
Does it make sense?
Also, next chapter will probably be Alysha vs Sebastian, just so you know.

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