Abandon hope

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Alysha took the pavement in long strides, smiling like sunshine at the rest of the world, storming furiously on the inside.
She was not alone in the matter. Both she and Nyx were so angry, so frustrated, and so hurt by their family, that it was difficult to tell who's thoughts or emotions were who's.

For once, they were both on the same track mentally, a strange and yet powerful feeling of unity. So much so, that even Alysha didn't notice where they were going, until they got there.

The mansion loomed before them, tall and intimidating even in daylight.
Alysha tilted her head, squinting through the gate up at the building, backlit by the afternoon sun. The skeletal building looked ominous, ghostly even.
Alysha chuckled, shading her eyes from the sunlight. "Abandon hope, ye who enter here." She purred.

Pushing on the gates and finding them unlocked, she crept through the gap and tiptoed into the shadows of the vast mansion grounds.
It was a strange, electrical feeling to be here. Nyx had been avoiding this place for months, so for Alysha, it felt like she was breaking some grand taboo, and she couldn't help but be deliciously thrilled by doing so.

Like a naughty child play-hiding from its unknowing parents, she half-hoped that someone would come past, just to add to the thrill of not being caught.

But no one came. This wasn't really a surprise, most demons, some downworlder's and whatever else Lilith could have in that hell-like house, preferred the night to the day.
To be honest, this was probably the safest time of the day to be here.

Approaching the door, Alysha tilted her head to the side again,  like she was evaluating the ornate piece of oak for something. Then, shrugging, she strode up and rung the doorbell.

Seriously, is the music working for you guys? I'm having issues.

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