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Luci was attempting to escape when she ran into him.


"Oomph! Get out of the way, fucktard!" She shrieked, as she collided with his shoulder, half blinded from everything going on.

She elbowed him in the ribs hard, pushing past him, only for him to grab her on reflex and shove her backwards, sending her tumbling to the ground, her head glancing against the rock.

She glared up at Sebastian, snarling angrily.
A small cut on her forehead leaked red down the side of her face, staining her hair.

Sebastian smirked slightly at her hate filled expression, before turning on his heel. Much as he'd enjoy the opportunity to take out Luci, there were more important things to prioritise at this exact second.

Unfortunately, that was not the case with Luci. In fact, in her mind, there was no better chance to take him down without suspicion automatically falling on her.

Fingering her knife, she slipped after him.

Lilith clawed her way through the sea of faceless reflections.

Well, faceless to anyone except her.

In this near powerless form, held together by all the energy she could muster, she knew she was at risk of being swallowed up in the sea of figures, knew she could drown in them.

The only thing keeping her going was the hatred, the bile, the venom she held for the woman who'd dared pull this down on her.

If she was going down, so was Alysha. So was everyone here. So was this place.

Now that was a thought.

Forcing her way through the mass with one final heave, she caught her hand around a vengeful Luci's wrist.

"Come." She commanded, towing the war-rabid girl into the deathly hoards, seeking out the one weakness in Alysha's playground.

A crack in the wall, filled with blood.

Shoved roughly towards it, Luci realised what Lilith wanted. And a grin flickered across her lips.

Hopefully, we're nearly done with this book!

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