Jake Paul

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"Good morning people of YouTube. So, my brother Jake and Logan are here in Hawaii. I live here in Hawaii and I haven't seen them in five years. Since it's 4th of July, I am going to prank them. Unfortunately I now where they're staying. I got hold of Erika and she's going to help me with this prank. So, let's get this party a going." I shut my camera and my phone dings.

Erika: I'm away from the boys.
Me: Okay. I have the fireworks and a plan.
Erika: Okay.
Me: I'm on my way.

I get in my jeep and start driving over to their rental place.

I pull up at the end of the driveway and see a person I'm assuming is Erika. "Are you Y/N Paul?"

"Yup. I'm the middle child of the Paul's."

2 Hours Later

"So, we just finished the prank know Erika is going to yell and Jake's going to run in and step on the poppers which are under every mat and then I'm going to through poppers at him. Then for Logan I'm going to throw fire crackers around him." I say into my camera. I give Erika the signal and she screams. Jake runs in popping the poppers. I start throwing them at his feet causing him to panic even more. I run out of poppers and die of laughter. Jake looks at me. His eyes grow.

"Y/N!" He wraps me into a crushing hug.

"Jake! You're crushing me!" I choke out.

"Sorry, I just haven't seen you in forever."

"Let's prank Logan." I grab the lighter and fire crackers from my pocket and search for Logan. We find him outside just looking at the breath taking view. I light the first one and through it at his feet.

"Holy shit!" He shouts we keep throwing them until we run out and due of laughter. Logan looks over at us and spots me. "Y/N!" He yells running towards us. He pulls me into another crushing hug.

"Logan. Stop you're crushing me. Why do you Paul boys try killing me?"

"I haven't seen you in years."


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