Chance Sutton-Requested

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Phenix's p.o.v.
I pull my sliver hear into a tight uniform bun and pull my uniform on. I get in the plane and fly to Los Angeles. Where my brother is now with Tony and Jake. I call Jake one more time before I get on the plane for six hours.

"Hey Phenix." He says.

"I will be landing around 8 tomorrow morning."

"Okay. I'll see you then." I hang up and get on the plane.
6 hours later
I land and get of the plane and look for Jake. I find him already holding my bags. I walk up to him. "It's baby Sutton."

"Bro you're only a year older then me." We laugh and walk out to the parking lot and get in his car.

We pull up to the Team 10 house. "So, I have this idea surprise Chance. I have one of the letters you sent recently and I'm going tonight it to him."

"No, give him this one. This one says I'll be coming home soon. But give him every letter I send."

"Okay, you stand out here and I'm going to vlog the whole thing. I'm leaving the door open so you can see his reaction." I give him a thumb up and he walks inside leaving the door open. "Chance, you got mail!" Jake yells into the house.

"What is it?"

"I don't know. I don't open other people's mail." Chance grabs the envelope and opens it. He starts smiling. "What?"

"Phenix is coming home soon! I miss her." I make sure he isn't looking and slowly walk inside the house. Jake continues to vlog. "We have to warn the Martinezs, that they can't flirt or date her."

"You got married with out knowing." I say trying my best to mimic Jake.

"I don't want her to date someone yet ya know. She's my baby sister." Jake walks in front of Chance. I walk in front of him. "Phenix? Is it really you?" He pulls me into a hug and squeeze me extremely hard.

"Bro, let go of me a little, my pins are stabbing me."I choke out.

"I'm sorry, I haven't seen you in forever."

"Bro, it's been a year."

"I know it's only been a year but you're my baby sister and you mean everything to me."

"Well, I heard you get married, how's that going?"

"We actually broke up."

"Where is she? You don't marry my brother and be together for a few weeks and broke my brother's heart."

"Phenix, we broke up because it wasn't good for our friendship."

"That better be the only reason why."
A set of twins walk up to us

"Hola, bella." (Hey beautiful, Bella is pronounced beya.) "I'm Ivan."

"Hola, mi nombre es Phenix." We shake hands.

"Don't you dare flirt or get close to my sister." Chance says stepping inbetween me and Ivan.

"Chance, I'm just being polite."

"Well, I'm not ready for you to date."

"Okay dad." We laugh.

"I missed you and your stupid jokes."
Hoped you liked it Phenix!

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