Aj Mitchell

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I sit in my office writing a new song. I feel a tap on my shoulder and look up. I see my oldest daughter, Adeline. "Daddy, look what I made." She says holding of the paper people she made.

"I gotta catch a plane." I say packing my stuff up. She drops the paper.

"Daddy, where's mommy? I can't find her. Where is she?"

"I don't know. Go play Adeline baby. I'll give you one more push then you gotta swing yourself."
I wake up from the dream I have every night. I'm pushing Adeline on a swing and she keeps yelling she doesn't want me to sing. "You're making mommy cry!"

"Why is mommy crying? Baby, I'm not leaving anymore."

"You're lying! You always say that! You're not leaving anymore you're mine!" She starts blocking the door and pulls out a tiny necklace. "It'll keep you safe keep it with you." I grab it and stuff it in my pocket. I look up and see I'm backstage. I walk out on stage and start singing.
I finish singing and look down and see Adeline. "Help daddy, mommy's wrists are bleeding!"

"Baby, we're in Sweden how did you get to Sweden?"

"I followed you dad. You lied! I just wanted to give you this coin! Show them you love them more then us!"
I wake up and hear my alarm clock ringing and birds singing. U walk outside and kiss Y/N. Adeline winks at her little brother.
I was wondering, do y'all like it when I take songs and turn them into stories or should I stop?

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