Ivan Martinez

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Ivan's pov

"Ready for the prank?" I ask. She nods her head.

"Fuck you Ivan! Thanks for accusing me for cheating on you with my gay cousin! Why didn't you ask me before you told everyone in the house that I 'cheated' on you?" She yells at me.

"That's what it looked like." I calmly say.

"If I saw a picture of you and a girl I'd ask you who she is before I blow the fuck on you. This is the fifth fucking time we've gotten into a fight. I'm breaking up with you." She grabs her bag and leaves the room.

"Y/N! Come on."

"No. There's no point in trying anymore! I'm tired of us fighting! Maybe it was a mistake for me to move out here with you!"

"Whoa, Y/N, Ivan what's going on?" Jake asks.

"I'm breaking up with Ivan, because I'm tired of us always fighting!"

"You two can't break up. You two were made for each other." Tessa says.

"He keeps accusing me of cheating on him!"

"You always have guys in your Instagram pictures." Jake says.

"Because it's my family and fans. It didn't know that was a bad thing. My uber'll be here in a minute. I'll be back in a week to get the rest of my stuff." She walks out of the house. I start fake crying.

"It's okay, she'll be back in a week. We'll get her back for you." Erika says. 

"Bro, why didn't you ask her? You're stupid for not doing that."

*1 Week Later*

My phone rings. It's Y/N. "Hey."

"You ready to tell them it's a prank?"

"Yeah, I can't stand you not being here."

"Okay. I'm in an Uber right now. So, I'll be there in like two minutes.

"Okay, love you."

"Love you too." She hangs up. I walk downstairs.

The door opens. "You hurt Ivan." Erika says. "Oh."

"I'm here to get the rest of my stuff." Y/N says. I walk up to her and pull her into a hug. I press my lips to her. I let go of her. "WE PRANKED YOU!" She shouts.

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