Tristan Tales-Requst

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"Is this Tristan?" I hear a female voice ask from Maddy's phone.

"Yeah. Is everything okay?" I ask. I panic.

"She got into a terrible accident. She is in critical condition. We don't know who long she has to live." I feel my whole world crash around me. Maddy isn't in the hospital I'm dreaming, I'll wake up and have her in my arms again. Kiss her, annoy her and take her on dates again. Make videos with her. Tell her I love her. Send her texts when she's not with me. "Sir?"

"I'm on my way." I end the call shoving my phone in my pocket, grabbing my car keys and rushing to the hospital.

I get there and sit in the waiting room. "Is there a Tristan here for someone named Maddy?" A nurse asks. I jump from my seat.

"I am." I say at the brink of tears.

"She sadly didn't make it. We did the best we could." She leads me to Maddy's room. She leaves me at the door. I open it and start crying. Maddy's lifeless body, pale.

"Maddy, why did you have to leave me? We could've had a family. Kids, life in a nice house. You stopped me from doing stupid shit. We were meant for each other." I kiss her forehead. I grab the engagement ring from my pocket and slip it on her cold finger. "One day we'll be Mr. and Mrs. Tristan Tales. I promise you that." I kiss her one more time before leaving. "I love you."

"I love you too." I see Maddy's spirit blowing me a kiss and disappearing into the light.
I hope you like it

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