Jake Paul-Requested

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Jake's p.o.v.

"Good morning Jake Paulers. So we have a lot today. Shakia is not going to be home for another 3 hours so Chance, Anthony and I are going to fill mine and Shakia's room with a ton a different types of flowers." I say.

2 hours later

"So, we got all the flowers on the ground and we're just waiting for her to get home." I say. I grab my camera and walk downstairs. My phone rings.

"Hello." I say.

"This is Las Angeles hospital and we have someone by the name of Shakia here. She has been in a car wreck." Everything goes black.

Erika's p.o.v.

I see Jake set his phone down and black out. I grab his phone. "Someone Get Jake a pillow!" I yell.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"We have Shakia here and she has been in a car wreck." The male voice says.

"Okay, I'll be there in 10 minutes." I say. I hang up. "Chad! Anthony! Chance! Grab Jake!" I yell grabbing the keys to the van(honestly I don't know if he stills has it)

Shakia's p.o.v.

"Can I please go?" I ask the nurse.

"No, you have a concussion and we're waiting for the xrays on your leg to see if you need surgery on it." She says. I roll my eyes. The door opens. Erika, Chance, with Chad and Anthony holding Jake.

3 hours later

Jake's p.o.v.

We finally got to bring Shakia home after almost five hours of being at the hospital. I wrap one of her arms around my neck and Anthony does the same. We take her to our room. I open the door. "Oh my god! Jake! Did you do all of this?" She asks.

"Chance and Anthony helped." I say. We set her down on the computer chair. Anthony leaves. "I was so scared of losing you." I say holding her hand.

"It really wasn't that bad. The car hit my back driver door and I went into a ditch and hit my head and my leg got caught and broke." She says.

"I know, but something could have gone wrong and I could've lost you." I say kissing her. "I love you." I say.

"I love you too."

Hopefully I spelt your name right I don't know if anything got auto corrected. Hopefully you also like it

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