Logan Paul

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"Good morning donation!" I hear my, Mark, yell from his room.

"Kylie, how can you handle him?" I ask.

"I get a different side of Mark then you do."

"True." Mark walks down the stairs.

"Here we have Kylie and Y/N. Don't you have a date Y/N?"

"Yeah, I'm for him to text me."

"And who is the boy that is taking my little sister out on a date?"

"Mark, I'm four minutes younger then you." My phone dings.

"Well, I gotta go he's here."

"Can I meet him?"

"No." I say walking to the door. Mark picks me up and sets me on the couch and lays on me. "Mark, I'm going to be late."

"I want to meet him before you leave."

"Fine." He gets off me. I run to the door and run door the stairs and to the front where Logan is. I see his G-wagon.

"Hey baby." Logan says.

"Go! Mark is probably following me." I get in and we drive to the park.

"I can't believe that we've been dating for two years and Mark hasn't noticed."


We get to the beach and walk around for a couple hours and find a little restaurant. We order a pizza(or whatever you want). After we eat the sun starts setting. Leaving behind a breathtaking view. "Isn't beautiful Logan? Wait never mind." I look over at him and find him down on one knee with a velvet box.

"Will you marry me?"

"Yes, yes of course!" He slips the ring on my finger.

"The only problem is your brother doesn't know, we even dated."

"Screw him." I pull him into a kiss.

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