Jake and Logan Paul Part 3

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Jake's Point Of View

"I'm retired."

"You're not going to leave me again?" I sob.

"I'm not in the army anymore. But, I do have to go to Ohio to visit momma and dad."

"I'll go with you." I sob.

"Stop crying. You're on video." She says pointing at Anthony. She wipes my tears. "So, when do I get nieces and nephews?" She asks. I grab her hand and lead her downstairs.

"Erika!" I shout. She walks out of the office.

"Jake, why are your eyes so red?" Erika asks.

"My sister. Show her the bump." She lifts her sweatshirt up slightly.

"How far along?" Y/N asks.

"Six months." Erika says.

"Boy or girl?" Logan asks.

"Boy." I say.

"That's my baby bro." Y/N shouts side hugging me. "Do you have any name ideas?"

"No." Erika says.

"L.J. Greg Paul?" Y/N asks.

"That's pretty actually." Erika says.

Later Day

"Jake, I'm just going to Ohio for a week. I'll be back, I promise."

"Can, I go with you?" I ask, holding onto her leg like a three year old.

"My flight leaves in twenty minutes."

"Okay, I'll get a seat in ten minutes."

"Jakey, you don't have to do this."

"Yes, I do."

"Bro, your girl is pregnant you can't leave her alone."

"Then, I'll drive her and I to Ohio."

"Jake! I promise, I'll be back. Okay buddy. I'll text you when I land."

"Fine." I let go of her leg. "Promise."

"Jake, you're a twenty-five year old acting like a five year old."

"The last time you said you were going to come back you were gone for seven years."

"I'm only going to gone for three days."

"Fine. You better get going before I change my mind." I say.

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