Chance Sutton

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This imagine is when Y/N,  Jake,  Tony,  and Chance are in high school
Chance's p.o.v.

I pay for my ticket and look for Jake and Anthony in the stands. The football team start running out. "Graduating this year is Y/N Y/L/N!" She stands in the middle of the field.

"How does it feel to have your girl graduate a year before you?" Anthony asks.

"It sucks. But she's not going to college until I do."

"Is that what she said?" Jake asks.

"She said she wasn't going until she's ready. Which I assume is when I graduate."
After the game
Y/N walks up to us and removes her helmet. "Hey baby." I say.

"Hi." She yawns and rests her head on my shoulder.

"Tony and I gotta go."

"We'll see you Monday." They walk away.

"About that. I'm leaving this weekend."

"To where?"

"You know how it's always been my dream to go into the Air Force?"

"Yeah." I say wearily.

"Well, I'm leaving for training Saturday morning."

"Are you fucking kidding me? Why didn't you fucking tell me before now?"

"I just got my call five minutes before the game."

"How dare you do this to me! We tell each other everything! You have to ruin that bond my not telling me you joined the Air Force!"

"Last time I knew I was a free person! You don't fucking own me! Go be clingy on one of the many slots that roam the damn hallways! I told you I might leave early because I already graduated. I have my diploma and I don't need you on my ass all the time. You're not my thong so stay out of my ass!" She walks away from.
3 years later
Chance and Tessa are still married in this part
"Good morning Chanthanes! Jake said that we have a friend from OHIOooooooooo, coming to visit. So, lets go do this thang!" Tony and I walk down the stairs. "Who's visiting?" I ask.

"Y/N." He says.

"You're kidding right? You can't have my ex come and visit."

"You're not the one she's visiting for. She also grew up with Tony and I."

"Bro, you're breaking code." I snap.

"Dude, we haven't seen her in three years. There is a possibility she's engaged or even married. People in the Air Force do have social lives. She's probably not even into anymore." Anthony says. The door opens and Y/N walks in holding a baby carseat in her arms.

"You look great Y/N." Jake says.

"Thanks Jakey." She pulls him into a hug. "Tiny Tony, you grew." She pulls him into a hug.

"What's the baby's name?" Jake asks.

"Jonas Daniel Layton." She says.

"Did you get married?" Tony asks.

"I did. I would've invited you but we just said what was need and signed the papers."

"Who's the lucky one?" Jake asks.

"General Daniel Layton." Tessa and Erika walk out of the office.

"Is this the one person you were talking about, Jake?" Erika asks.

"Yeah, we grew up together all four of us." Tessa comes up to me and kisses me.

"Congrats on the marriage bro." She says to Jake. "When are you gonna make some babies?" She asks.

"Can I hold him?" Erika asks.

"Sure." She hands Erika her baby. "Yo Chance congrats on the marriage too." She says.

"Don't talk to me like nothing happened three years ago!" I shout.

"I'm not going to have you yell at me in front of my son. If you want to talk we can go outside." Jake and Anthony look surprised at her.

"No, we're going to talk about it right here right now!"

"Not in front of my son." She says a little louder.

"No, I want everyone to hear about what you did!" She grabs my arm and twists it behind me forcing me to fall on the ground. She places her foot on the middle of my back.

"My son is my top priority. If you would like to talk we can go outside."

"No!" She yanks my shoulder out of socket.

"That's my husband!" Tessa yells. I stand up. Y/N grabs my arm and puts it back in socket.

"If you want to talk we can do this like adults. I will not have you speak to me like that in front of my son. Why do we even need to talk about us breaking up because I joined the Air Force? You're married and I'm happily married with a son. What happened in the past stays in the past. I came here to visit people I call family, did you forget I was adopted? My mom died when I was born and my dad killed himself because my mom died." I walk upstairs with Tessa.

"Why did you do that to her? Chance, she's just trying to give her son the life she didn't have. There's no point in talking about it when we're married and some day will have kids and be happy like her. So, grow up and just be friends with her."

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