Anthony Trujillo

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I hear Anthony scream. I run upstairs. "What?"

"Why the hell is there a duck in our bed?"

"It's Jason Voorhees."

"Why did you named a duck after a horror movie character?"

"Because I can't name our future son Jason Voorhees."

"Why the hell do you have a duck to begin with?"

"Because I can." I pick Jason up.

"Why do you have to be the weird Paul kid?" He asks.

"Because. Now if you will excuse us,  we have some kids in the hospital to visit." I put Jason's harness and leash on him.

"Can I come?" He asks.

"We have to bring Chance, Jake, Erika, and Tessa too."

"Okay." I grab my truck keys and six bags of merchandise. We walk down stairs and walk into the office.

"Chance, Jake, Erika and Tessa you have to come with me." I say getting Jason on the ground.

"Where are we going?" Jake asks.

"Does it matter?" I ask.

"It would be nice to know where you are taking us before we just go."

"All you need to know is you need some merchandise, Apollo and yourself. Then get in my truck."

"How are you going to fit 6 people in your truck along with a puppy and a duck?"

"Have you not seen the size of my truck? I'm pretty sure everyone is gonna fit." We walk out the truck and load in.

We arrive at the hospital. We walk to the front desk.  "How can I help you ma'am?"

"I'm here to visit Ace Johnson,  Alexander Henderson,  Alexia Erikson, Blake Austin and Mackenzie Eriks." She ushers us to follow her.

"This is Ace." I walk in and see him laying on the bed watching something on his tablet.

"Whatta watchin?" I ask sitting next to him setting Jason on the bed.

"Oh my god! It's Y/N Paul and Jason Voorhees and Jake, Tessa, Tony, Chance, and Erika! Is this a dream?"

"Sure isn't." I hand him a Y/N and Jason blanket. "I know how cold hospitals can get so I want you to have this blanket." I cover him up with it.

"Is it too much to ask for a picture?" He asks.

"No." He hands me his tablet and we talk some pictures. "Do you have any social media's?"

"I have a Twitter and Instagram." I hand him my phone. 

"Pull up your profiles." He does and hands me my phone. I hit the follow button on both Twitter and Instagram.

"Are you and Tony dating?"

"We are in fact engaged. I want you there as my ring barrier."

"You want me at your wedding?"

"You are one of my biggest fans." I pull him into a hug.

"Thank you for visiting me."

"Thank you for being up and awake. Keep fighting and you'll get out of here." We go and visit the other kids.

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