Jake Paul-Request

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I wake up to Jake yelling and screaming like normal. I get up and get ready to drop Tessa off at the studio, since her car broke down and the store I'm going to is next door. I get dressed and walk to Tessa's room. "Tess, you ready?" She walks out in her dance clothes.

"Yes." I grab my car keys and we walk to my car. We wave to all the fans and drive to the studio.

"Thanks for the ride. Could you pick me up in like two hours?" She asks.

"Just call me when you get done." I say.

"Will do." She walks inside and I drive to the store.
My phone rings. It's Tessa. "Yes, Tessa?"

"I'm done with dance."

"I'll be over in like 3 minutes."

"Okay. Bye."

"Bye." She hangs up. I finish paying put my bags in my car and drive to the studio. Tessa gets in. I tie my dirty blond hair into a pony tail.

We pull into the drive way of the house. I grab my bags and walk to mine and Jake's room. I hear the bed creaking. "Maybe Jake's sleeping and can't get comfortable." I say. I punch the code and open the door. I walk half way to the closet and see Jake humping a brown hair slut. I drop my bags shattering all the glass. I grab Jake by the hair and drag him off the bed. "Are you fucking kidding me Jake!? I go out for 2 fucking hours and you decide to cheat on me?!" He stands up pulling on underwear. I look over to the girl. "I'm giving you 10 seconds to get out of my house!" I yell. She pulls on pants. "1...2...3...4...5...6...7..." She panics looking for her shirt. "8...9...10." I grab her hair and yank her out of the room and out the door. I start crying.

"Jullisa?" Tessa asks. "What's wrong?"

"Jake, he fucking cheated on me." I say.

"Baby, let me explain." Jake says.

"Why? I gave you the happiest year of my life and you cheat on me! How long?" I ask.

"Three months." He says not looking at me.

"Fuck you." I say. I run upstairs and grab clothes. I get my bags and walk out the door.

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