Jake Paul and Erika Costell

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"Y/N!" Jake yells up the stairs. I turn to Tessa who was trying to get me to go to the studio with her.

"I gotta go." I say running down the stairs. "Yeah?"

"Erika needs to talk to you." He says.

"Is she in the office?" He nods his head.  I walk into the office. Erika had a sad look on her face. "Is everything okay?"

"Jake and I decided that we aren't ready for kids so we're sending you back." My heart shattered. I stand up and leave to mine and Tessa's shared room. I start packing.

"Is everything good?"

"Yeah, I'm going over to a friend's house." I lie. I grab my bag and walk downstairs. "It would've been nice if you decided you didn't want kids when you adopted me." I say to Jake. I walk out the door and see Anthony.

"Hey kiddo." I break down. "Kiddo,  tell me what's wrong."

"Jake and Erika realized they didn't want me anymore." I cry onto his shoulder.

After a few minutes I calm down. "I guess I'm leaving."

"Do you want me to drop you off somewhere?"

"No, I'm just going to walk."

"Call me when you get to where ever. If you need anything call me." I nod my head and walk out of the driveway. I find a bench and sit.
Jake's p.o.v.
I hear Erika start crying after Y/N leaves. "Jake, we need to go get her. She's my baby."

"It's a prank. Give her a few more minutes.  Then we'll go get her." I say.

"No,  my baby is some where in LA! This prank went to far."

"Lets go then." I grab my truck keys and get in the truck to find Y/N. We find her sitting on a bench looking at a picture frame. Erika jumps out of the truck and wraps her arms around Y/N.
Y/N's p.o.v.
I look at a picture of Jake, Erika and me at the beach when they first adopted me. I feel arms around me and realize they're Erika's. "I thought you and Jake didn't want me."

"No, no baby. It was a prank. I didn't want to do it." She cries.

"Does Jake actually hate me?"

"No baby. Come lets go home."

"I'm not going anywhere Jake is." I say walking to the house.
Erika's p.o.v.
I walk after Y/N. "Baby, if you want you,  me and Tessa can go and do whatever you want."

"I have practice."

"For what?"


"You play football and didn't tell me or Jake?"

"Jake doesn't care about me. The only reason why I still live in the house is because of you.  Jake knows if he sent me back you would kill him." Y/N walks towards the school. "I'll be back around 8." I walk into the house and found Jake laughing. "Jake Joseph Paul!"


"Don't what me like that! Y/N actually thinks you hate her! She is a 15 year old that lived 14 years of her life in a orphanage. She plays football and didn't tell us because she thinks you don't care about her!"

"She really thinks that?"

"Yeah. I swear if she runs away I'm putting your head on a silver platter."

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