Group Chat 4

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Tristan: What's the plan for today
Y/N: I'm in Ohio for a wedding
Kade: Work
Nick: Work
Tessa: I'm lost in Ohio
Anthony: How do you get lost in Ohio
Tessa: I'm from California
Chance: I'm from Ohio and I don't get lost in California
Chad: Who's all in Ohio
Y/N: Me
Anthony: Me
Chance: Me
Jake: Me
Erika: I am
Tessa: Me
Ivan: I'm in Spain.
Emilio: Same bro.
Aj: Why are six people in Ohio?
Y/N: I'm here because my brother is getting married and Tony's my date.
Anthony: Yeah, we got on the plan and here comes the other four.
Chance: Honeymoon
Tessa: ^^^^^^^^^^^
Jake: Visiting
Erika: Meeting his family
Tessa: I'm lost at Cedar Point.
Y/N: Let me guess, Chance said he had to use the bathroom and he forgot where he left you?
Tessa: Yeah
Chance: What ride are you buy?
Tessa: I'm not by a ride
Erika: I see you Tessa
Jake: Great. I lost Erika, but I found Chance.
Y/N: I'm at a church right now getting ready for a wedding.
Anthony: I'm sitting in a church.
Ivan: I'm editing a video
Emilio: I'm watching Ivan edit
Y/N: I gotta go.
Y/N left the chat
Chad: Why does she do that
Jake: I don't know
Erika: Anthony you need to propose to her
Anthony: We're not even dating
Chad: You guys act like it
Jake: They've been like that their whole life.
Chance: Everytime a girl asked Toby to a party or school dance or asked him out he would say 'I already have someone'
Anthony: It's not my fault I like her
Tessa: Then do something about it!
Tristan: Go to Walmart get a ring out of the quarter machine get back her and propose.
Chance: Bro, do it before someone else does
Anthony: What if she says no
Chad: Bro, you share a bed with her, she wears your clothes and you guys say love you
Ivan: JUST DO IT ✔
Emilio: No balls!
Anthony: Fine

This one will most likely be an imagine.

Which one of the group chats 1, 2, 3, or 4? Let me know please!

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