Kade Speiser

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Kade's P.O.V.

I hear screaming coming from a closet somewhere in the Team 10 house, the screams sound like Y/N. "Y/N?"

"Kade?" She yells. 

"Start hitting the door, baby." I say. I hear thumping come from the closet underneath the staircase. I open the door.

"Thank you." She says holding onto me. 

"What happened?"

"Jake, Chance, Anthony and Chad, locked me in the closet. It's small in there."

"Are you claustrophobic?"

"Yeah, with anxiety." She sniffles.

"I'm sorry baby." I say. "I'll make sure never to leave here alone with the boys again. Speaking of the boys where are they?"

"I don't know, after they locked me in there they left."

"Did Erika and Tessa go with them?"

"No, they went shopping twenty minutes before I got locked in the closet." I lift her head up with my finger and press my lips to her's. She kisses back. I pull as close as possible. I place my hands on her lower back while she drapes her arms around my neck. I drop my bags. We pull away for air. After a few breathes we go back to kissing. The door opens. We quickly pull away we both blush.

"What are you two blushing about?" Erika asks.

"I had an anxiety attack and Kade was helping me calm down. I don't know why he's blushes. I'm blushing because I think it's embarrassing to have an attack in front of people." She lies, keeping a strait face.

"Oh. What happened?"

"Jake, Chance, Anthony, and Chad locked me in he closet underneath the staircase."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Erika says pulling her into a hug. "I'll make sure it doesn't happen again." Erika says letting go and walking up the stirs to her and Jake's rooms.

"That was a close one." I say.

"You know, that their gonna find out sooner or later Kade." She says kissing me.   

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