Ivan Martinez-Requested

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Ivan's p.o.v.

"Martinez! You're going to school!" Jake yells.

"Noooooooooo!" Emilio yells.

"Emilio, don't you see? This is our chance to make friends our age! Maybe even get a girlfriend." I say.

"Fine." Emilio groans. He always hated school back in Spain. He'll most likely hate school in America because of the language difference.

"Tomorrow, I'll drop you two off at the high school. Be up at 6 to get ready." Jake says, walking away to most likely do some vlogging.

6 in the morning.

I wake up to my alarm. I get dressed and wake Emilio up. I walk down the stairs to be greeted by Jake holding a black Nike Elite backpack. "This backpack has everything you need." Jake says. I grab the bag and pull it on. Emilio walks down the stairs. Jake hands him the same backpack as me just in a different color. "You guys ready?" Jake asks.

"No." Emilio says.

"Yes, we're ready." I say glaring at Emilio. Jake grabs his keys to the  truck. We follow Jake to the truck. I get in the front seat. 

We pull into Los Angeles High School . I feel the nerves finally kick in. "You know Jake, how about we just go home?" I ask.

"No." Jake says.

"Yeah, bro what about making friends our age and maybe getting a girlfriend." Emilio reciting what I said the night before. I roll my eyes.

"Go, make friends. Have fun." Jake says. We get out of the truck and walk to the office. We enter the office and walk up to the bigger desk. 

"How can I help you two?" The lady asks.

"My brother and I are new here." I say. 

"I need your last name." She says looking through some papers.

"Martinez." I say. She looks through the papers.

"Emilio and Ivan?" She asks.

"Yeah." I say. She hands me the schedules. I hand Emilio his. 

"Kya, here is going to give you a tour around the school and maybe yo have some classes with her." She says, pointing at a brown hair, blue eye girl standing by the door.

"Thank you." I say and we walk to Kya. I lean into Emilio.

"I call dibs." I say into his ear.

"No far." He whines.

"Get over it." I say.

"So, you are the new kids?" She asks.

"Yes." I say.

"I guess we can start with your lockers." She says. "What's your locker number?" She asks me.

"1357." I say.

"Oh, that's close to mine." She says.

3 months later

I walk into the school and walk up to Kya. "Kya, I know we've only been friends for three months but I was wondering if we could go on a date?" I ask looking her in her gorgeous blues eyes.

"About time you asked." She says.

"Is that a yes?" I ask.

"You can't take a hint can you? Yes, I will go on  date with you." She says. I let out a sigh of relieve.

"Saturday at 7?" I ask.

"See you then." She kisses me on the cheek. She walks to her class. Emilio walks up to me.

"I'm going on a date!" I yell.

"Congrats." He says.

I'm sorry, that my updates have been late, but I'min school and when I'm not in school I'm either doing something band or robotics related. Going on Thanksgiving break o I'm gonna try posting more.

Yes, I do know that the twins don't live with Team 10 anymore but I was almost done when they moved out, please, don't comment saying they live with Team 10 anymore because I'm aware of that.

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