Logan Paul

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Y/N's p.o.v.
"Corbyn, Jack, Zach, Daniel, Jonah! We gotta get to the dry cleaners now." I yell from the door way. Daniel runs from the living room. He runs out the door and into the van. I grab his guitar case by the door. Zach runs to the van and Jack, Jonah and Corbyn right behind him. I hand Daniel his case and get in the driver seat and drive to the dry cleaners then to an apartment complex. "Why are we here?"

"Our director lives here." Corbyn says.

"Okay, I swear to the holy music spirit if you spill anything on those suits I will hit you over the head with a frigging watermelon." We walk up the stairs and Jack knocks on the door. The door opens revealing a hot, tall, muscular man child. He didn't look older then 15.

"Ayo, who's the girl?" He asks.

"Logan, this is my sister. Y/N, this is Logan." Corbyn says.

"How about you boys change into your suites while I grab some equipment from the van." I say patting Corbyn's back. They walk off.

"If you were older I thought you'd be his mom."

"He's all I got out here. I'm just a photographer." I walk down to the van and grab what I need. I walk back into the apartment and find the boys eating pizza. "I swear to the Holy Spirit of Music if you spill anything on those suites I will shove my foot up your asses."

"Gees. Corbyn your sister is vicious." Logan says.

"She's just making sure we don't run into any problems." Corbyn says.

"What video are we filming?" I ask.

"Help me help you." Zach says setting down his empty plate on the counter. "Hug me." He says. I roll my eyes and side hug him.

"No, hug me." Jack says. I side hug him.

"No, hug me." Jonah says. He hugs me from the front.

"No, hug me!" Corbyn says hugging me from behind.

"Is this a daily thing?" Logan asks.

"Yes." I say.

"Hug me then." Logan says. The boys let go and make room for Logan. As Logan reaches for a hug I fall to the ground and roll to Corbyn and jump back up. "What just happened?"

"I don't know you enough to hug you." I say.
After shooting the video
"Hey, Y/N, I was wondering if I could get your number in case I need some new instagram pictures." Logan says. I write my number down a a napkin and hand it to him. "Thanks."

"Welcome. Come on boys. Let's go get some pictures." I say grabbing my equipment. We walk out if the apartment and into the van.

"I ship it." Zach says.

"Same." Jack says.

"Yeah I ship it." Daniel says.

"Totally." Jonah says.

"I don't." Corbyn says.

"Of course you don't. It's your sister." Zach says.

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