Anthony Trujillo

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In this imagine Anthony is  34 with a 16 year old daughter.
"Jo!" I yell up the stairs.

"Yeah dado?" She asks from the office.

"I need to talk to you in private." I say.

"Is it about me tying uncle Jake to a chair?"

"What? No." We walk out the back door. And sit on the couch. "So, I'm just going to say this. Don't have sex until you're married and don't get married until you're at least 25. If you do you might die."

"Mom was 19 when she was pregnant, with Ace, is that why she passed away?"

"Unfortunately yes. Her body couldn't handle giving birth to him and unfortunately both didn't make it." I feel tears in my eyes.

"Is miss her." She starts crying. I wrap my arms around her.

"Do you want to go visit her and Ace?"

"Yeah." We walk through the house and to the cemetery. We walk to the grave Y/N is. "Hey, momma. I'm sorry for ruining your life."

"Jordan, you didn't ruin our lives. You brought me and mom closer."

"I just wish that you and Ace could've made it out alive. We could have so much fun. I'm going to let dado talk and I'm going to visit Ace." She kisses her hand and place it on Y/N's headstone.

"Hey, Y/N. I miss a lot. One day we'll be together again. One day you'll actually be Mrs. Anthony Trujillo. I love you." I kiss her headstone and head over to Ace's grave.

"I wish you could have made it. We could prank dado, uncle Chance, uncle Jake and aunt Erika. Maybe momma if she made it. I just can't believe that momma was able to have me and make it out alive but not you. I'm sorry." She takes a car out of her pocket and sets it on his headstone. "Love you bro." She stands up and rushes over to me and cries.
I apologize if anyone cries while reading this. Let me know if it did.

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