Logan Paul

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Y/N's phone rings. "Hello." She says. "This is." She looks at me. "The Kings want me to play defense?" She asks in utter shock. "Thank you!" She shoves her phone in her pocket. "My dream come true!"

"The LA Kings want you for defense?" I ask.

"Yeah!" She shouts. "It's just I've never been out of Ohio."

"Y/N, this is a once in a life time opportunity! As you best friend I will not let you pass this up!"

"All my family is here."

"Hun, your dad use to play for the Red Wings. You were born to play hockey. I will be damned if you pass this up." I say.

"I have a week to decide then they're gonna call."

"What's your answer?"

"I have to talk to my dad first. I have no family to stay with in LA. My grandma and grandpa live in Detroit so my dad had a place."

"Then let's go talk to him." We start walking to her house. I text my mom.

Me: I'm going to be home late.
Mom: Why?
Me: I'm going to talk to Y/N's dad.
Mom: Is it good or bad?
Me: Good.
Mom: Be home by 4:30.
Me: Okay.

I put my phone in my pocket.

We walk up her front steps. She opens the door and walks in. "Dad!"

"Kitchen!" He yells. "How's school?" They do a hand shake.


"Waz good Logang?"

"I'm good Mr. Y/L/N."

"Anything good happen today?" He asks.

"I got a call."

"Is this a good or bad call?" He asks.

"The Los Angeles Kings, want me to be a defensive end!"

"Did you say yes?"

"Their goin to call at the end of the week. I have to give them a yes or no answer."

"What are you going to say?"

"I don't have any family out there."

"Princess, I will give you money to stay out there. You can't give this up. How often does a female get drafted?"

"Your dad even agrees with me. Y/N, you can't pass this up!"

"Princess, I have $3,000 for you to get an apartment and food."

"So, what's your answer?" I ask.

"Yes." We cheer.

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