Jake Paul Part 2

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Y'all definitely haven't asked for the second part. Sarcasm.
Erika's p.o.v.
I land in Detroit and order a taxi. My phone dings next to me.
Jake: Where are you?
Me: Home. I'm going to my sister's funeral.
Jake: When is it?
Me: Tomorrow.
I toss my phone aside and tell the driver my mom's address.
We arrive at her house. I pay and grabs my bags walking into the house.  I walk past my mom who was talking on the phone and walk up to the room Y/N and I shared growing up. I set my bags down my the door and see our room still a mess. The beds weren't made and and our pictures were sticking out of the box we put them in. I grab the box and look at all the pictures of us, sunsets, and other things Y/N, found beauty in. I grab my phone and pull up twitter.

'I've lost my best friend, my sister, my other half and my partner in crime. @y/t/n I know you'll be happy. I love you. 💖💔'

I post it on twitter and continue to go through the pictures. I cry as I look at all the pictures Y/N and I took growing up.  I look through all the pictures and find a letter addressed to me. I open it.

Chica, Erika,                9/10/16
Hey, so, this letter is for the day I die before you. I hope you don't mourn. Every time you see one of my clients just think about how we made their life better. I say we because if it weren't for you modeling around the garage while I take pictures that person might not have been a model. I got bored and figured anything could happen. Here's a picture of Maine in the fall.

Here's the key to the back room of the barn

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Here's the key to the back room of the barn. Go in there and grab all the pictures then grab the car keys in there and the $44,000. Use it for your kids. Tell Jake I love him. I love you sis. Please, if I die in the next year or two make sure I'm cremated and spread my ashes through out America.

I grab my phone and call Jake.
Jake's p.o.v.
My phone rings and the color id says Erika. "Hello." I say.

"Y/N, loves you." Erika says sniffling.

"Okay, I think you're going into shock, because Y/N passed away." I say.

"No, she wrote a letter. The letter says tell Jake I love him. There's a lot more in the letter but I'm not going to say it in the same house as my mom." Erika snaps.

"Are you sure this letter wasn't written buy someone else?" I ask.

"Jake! This is her hand writing, she's the only one who was allowed to call me chica!"

"I'm getting ready to get on a plane out to Michigan. I'll see you in six hours." She hangs up. I feel bad for doubting the possibility that Y/N wrote the letter but, I'm also pretty sure that Erika's just in shock because her twin passes away.
I land in Michigan and find Erika with red puffy eyes. I walk up to her. We get in her car and drive to her mom's house. We get changed into our clothes. We drive to the funeral home not saying a word.
After the funeral the pastor hands Erika a box of Y/N's ashes. "So, what are you going to do with them?" I ask.

"Keep a little and then spread the rest around America." Erika says, she cries onto my shoulder.

"If we decide to have kids we should name one after Y/N." I say.
3 years later
"Y/N." I playfully yell at my 3 year old. "Where's momma?" I ask as Y/N covers Erika's eyes. "I love you." I kiss them both on the cheek.

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