Anthony Trujillo

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This one is slightly based on I Drive Your Truck by Lee Brice
"Eighty-nine cents in the ash tray
Half empty bottle of Gatorade rolling in the floorboard
That dirty Braves cap on the dash
Dog tags hanging from the rear view
Old Skoal can, and cowboy boots and a Go Army Shirt

We get in Y/N's truck. "You need to clean this truck out." Tessa says.


"Why? There's a hat that's dirty and gross, a chew can, boots, an army shirt, a half bottle of Gatorade and dog tags."

"Come on Tony. Just clean it." Chance says.

"As soon as Y/N comes home."

"She's not going to be home in like six months." My phone rings.


"Hey, baby."

"Hey, Y/N."

"I'm going to be home sooner then I thought."

"You are?" I ask.


"Oh my god."

"I gotta go. Love you. Bye."

"Love you too, bye." She hangs up.

"Is everything okay?"

"Hell yeah! Y/N's coming home early!" I shout in happiness.

Sunday night

I hear the door open downstairs. I walk downstairs and see Y/N standing in the door way in uniform and her arm in a cast. I ran to her wrapping my arms around her waist spinning her around. I set her down and tuck my head in the crook of her neck. "I missed you baby." I say.

"I missed you to baby."

"Are you going to leave when your arm heals?" I look her in the eyes.


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