Aj Mitchell

783 14 1

Y/N is Taylor and Aj is the guy.
I glance out my bedroom window and see Aj yelling into his phone. I grab the note pad from under my bed that Aj and I use to talk without calling. I write down You okay?

Tired of drama

Sorry :( I turn the page and write down I love you I glance up and he shut the curtain. I start dancing around my room singing into my hair brush.
Aj's p.o.v.
I pull back my curtain a little and see Y/N dancing around her room singing into her hair brush. I smile and laugh. Y/N and I've been best friends our whole life. My phone rings. I realize it's Vera(sorry if that's your name, just change it.) "Hello."

"Are you talking to that geek next door to you again?"

"No, I'm not. Why?"

"Because, I'm your girlfriend you should talk to me like that." She whines. I roll my eyes and kick the pad under my bed.

"You don't like writing." I say.

"Oh, I'm going to homecoming with some friends." I mentally do my happy dance.

"Okay, hold on. What mom? Oh, I gotta go my mom needs helps." I hang up and toss my phone on my bed. I flop on my bed and fall asleep.
Y/N's p.o.v.
(I apologize for skipping around a lot)
I stand in the band section of the bleachers as Aj and the team plays. (I don't know if Aj played football, but for the sake of the imagine let's say he did thanks). I cheer for Aj.
After the game
Aj's p.o.v.
We win the game, I walk up to Vera and find her flirting with number 8. "We're done." I say shaking my head heading home.
I put my suite on and see Y/N's curtain open. I quickly grab the pad and write down

You going tonight?

No, studying

I wish you were!

I grab my suite jacket and head to the high school.
Y/N's p.o.v.
As I do my homework I stumble across the 'I love you' note. I quickly pull on my dress and head to the high school. I walk in and I see Aj talking to a girl. He notices me and walks towards me. Vera walks up to him, he keeps walking towards me. I hold up the note.

I love you

Aj pulls one from his jacket pocket. I love you.

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