Jake Paul

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"You fucking asshole." Y/N, yells at me.

"What did I do?" I yell back.

"I don't know. Married my sister behind my back while I was New York!"

"If you were there I would have asked you!"

"I had the biggest opportunity to move up in being as photographer and you wanted me to go to Nevada. I moved out to LA because you needed another photographer! You also made me and my sister get along after we were told terrible things about each other our whole life and you go and fucking marry her!"

"I would have asked you if you were there like I said before!"

"Fuck you Jake Paul!" She grabs her bags and leaves.

"Y/N, come on!" I yell after her walking behind her.

"Fuck off!" I grab her hand. She rips her hand from my grasp and throws the promise rings at me. "Maybe you should keep your fucking promise. Asshole."
2 hours later
#ripy/n is trending on twitter. I turn in the news. "The famous photographer Y/N Costell is pronounced dead at the sense of a very terrible accident. She was driving down the highway when a semi truck barrel rolled and crushed her car, her and thousands of dollars in photography equipment. We send payers to her family and the social media house she worked with. The funeral is in her hometown of Bedford, Michigan were she grow up with her sister Erika Costell who is also a YouTuber and model. Here's Aaron Layton, at the sense." The camera transitions to the sense.

"Y/N Costell was a very well known photographer, she recently went to New York for a convention with models and photographers. We hope she is in heaven taking pictures. She will be greatly missed." I turn the TV off. I hear Erika crying. Erika walks into the living room and sits down on the couch next me.

"I can't believe it. The very person who convinced me in being a model is gone. I know we didn't get along all the time but, she was my sister and we made each other famous." She cries. She runs up stairs.
Erika's p.o.v.
I run upstairs and start packing to go back home for Y/N's funeral. As I pack, I pick up my favorite jacket that she owned, and a picture falls out. The picture is of us. When she first got a camera and I was modeling around the garage for her. Our mom took this picture before her and dad got a divorce. (I don't know if her parents got a divorce, just go with it please, thank you.) We were 14 when the divorced, I went with our mom while she went with our dad and didn't see each other until we came to LA. I cry even more as I look at the picture. I pull her jacket on and her scent envelopes me. I pay the jacket and find her favorite Tim McGraw CD. The album 'Damn Country Music'. I finish packing and grab her necklace she left in my room and get in an Uber and buy a plane ticket to Detroit. I cry the whole time.

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