Nathan Speiser-Requested

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Nathan's p.o.v.

I sit in the living room, scrolling through Twitter. Liking and retweeting tweets here and there. Jake walks in. He grabs the mega phone. "Everyone who is currently in the house lets play truth or dare!" Jake yells. Riley, Chance, Erika, Tessa, And Jake grab chairs and sit in a circle around me. "Chance. Truth or dare?" Jake asks.

"Truth." Chance says.

"Have you ever sent nudes?" Jake asks.

"No, not yet." Chance says. We laugh. "Riley. Truth or dare?"

"Dare!" She yells.

"I dare you to sit on Nathan's lap." She blushes. I hold back my blush. Chance winks at Jake. Riley sits on my lap.

"Erika! Truth or dare?" Riley yells.

"Dare." Erika says.

"I dare you to lick, Jake on the face." Riley says. Erika gets up and licks Jake's face. Erika sits back down.

"Nathan. Truth or dare?" Erika asks.

"Dare." I say.

"I dare you to kiss Riley." Erika says. I feel my heat up. I push Riley off my lap and her back against the back of the couch. I press my lips against her's. I sit back. "Tessa, truth or dare?" I ask.

"Truth." Tessa says.

"Celebrity crush?" I ask.

"Chris Brown." (I rememberes this from a random video someone did.) "Riley, truth or dare?" Tessa asks.

"Dare." Riley says.

"I dare to go outside and yell with the megaphone who you have a crush on." Tessa says. Jake hands Riley the megaphone and we follow her outside. She turns it on.

"Hey! Can I have the attention of this neighborhood for a few seconds? Thank you! I have a crush on Nathan Spieser!" She yells. She hands Jake the megaphone. I grab it from Jake.

"I Nathan Spieser, love Riley! Riley will you be my girlfriend?" I yell through the megaphone. She grabs the megaphone.

"Yes!" Tessa grabs the megaphone and I pull Riley into a hug and kiss her. Everyone cheers and takes pictures.
Sorry it took so long.

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