Erika Costell Part 2

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I wake up and Jake stands at the side of the bed. "We gotta go baby shopping." He says. I roll out of bed and get changed.
We pull up to the mall parking lot. We walk in and see Y/N, Ricegum, Faze and Alissa. She feeds Ricegum, like a baby. They laugh when she drops the spoon on his face. We walk into a baby store. I watch as Y/N walks up to a girl and starts flirting. "Erika. Which one?" Jake asks.

"Which ever one you want."

"Okay, she moved on. You moved on. Everyone moved on. You need to forget about her."

"How? How am I suppose to forget the person who made me famous in the beginning?"

"Remember that you have a husband and you're pregnant." Jake says.

"You're right."
After we shop we leave the mall. "Is that mostly what you used Y/N for?"

"In the beginning I actually did love her. Then, as she grew as a celebrity photographer I got offers from modeling agency. Then she became a YouTuber and I grew popular on there also."

We pull up to the house and we take all our stuff inside. We walk into the house and everyone is teary eyed. Tessa runs and wraps her arms around me. "Tessa, what's wrong?"

"Y/N, Alissa, Faze and Ricegum, got into a car wreck. Y/N, is being rushed to the hospital." Tessa sobs. Y/N was like her big sister. Everyone was her a sister to her. I saw her as someone who could make me famous.

"So?" Tessa lets go of me.

"I can't believe you! I thought we two were each other's first love!" Tessa shouts grabbing, Nick.

"Pinche puta." Emilio and Ivan say as they walk out the door. Anthony, Chance, Kade, Tristan, Alex, Aj, and Jake, follow close behind.
4 hours later
Everyone walks into the house. Everyone looks angry. "Erika, you have 3 weeks to leave Team 10." Jake says.

"So, you're going to kick you pregnant wife out of the house?"

"You're not pregnant. You're just wearing a fake pregnant belly!"

"You got me. I'm not pregnant! But you will regret kicking me out!"

"I'm smart this time! I had everyone record this incase you try and pull an Alissa!" I start packing and leaving.

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