Ray Diaz

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Y/N's p.o.v.

"Ray, are you sure you want to do this?" I ask.

"Baby, I'm sure." He says.

"Okay." I sigh. "Put your mouth guard in. Put your gloves on." He pulls the gloves on.

"Do, I need to wear the mouth guard?"

"Yes." I say putting mine in. "Go."  I step forward. "Don't get distracted." I say. I kicks his legs out, sending him to the mat. I pin him to the mat. I kiss him and he flips us over. I flip him off me. I stand up. "Don't. Get. Distracted." I say. I help him up. He kicks out my legs sending me to the mat. He places his hands on each side of my head. He does a push up and kisses me. I kick him off me. "We're here so you can learn MMA. Not have sex."

"But, you look so hot dressed like that." He whines.

"Ray. You'll be fine. Just watch me. If not I may break your nose." I put my mouth guard back in. I aim for his face and he dodges. I aim for his face again and he blocks with his arms. "Good, now, try with me." He aims for my face and I kick his legs out. "You have to watch every angle." I say. I help him up. "Go." I aim for his face and hit his nose.

"I think my nose is broken." I look at it and shove it back in place while he screams in pain. "Remind me every to fight you." He laughs. "I love you."

"I love you too."

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