Ivan Martinez

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Ivan's p.o.v.
I hear a knock on the door and Jacket talking. I suddenly hear Spanish. I know it's not Emilio because he's asleep on the couch next to me. I get up to see who it is. "Oh, this is Ivan Martinez." Jake says pointing to me. "His brother is probably sleeping." Jake says to the two girls next to him. One walks up to me and kisses my cheek. I kiss her cheek.

"Hola. ¿Como Estes?" She says. (Hello. How are you)

"Bien. ¿Y tú?" I answer. (Good. And you)

"Muy bien. ¿Como te llamas?" She asks. (Very good. What's your name)

"Me llama Iván. ¿Cómo te llamas?" (My name is Ivan. What's your name)

"Me llama Y/N." (My name is Y/N)

"Y/N, I'm leaving." The other girl says.

"Sí. Vale." (Yes. Okay)

"Adiós." (Goodbye)

"Choa." (Bye)
She leaves.

"Jake, who was that?" I ask.

"A friend of mine. Her name is Lele Pons and this is her sister. She can't speak English very well." Jake says.

"Sí." Y/N says.

"So, she can understand what we say in English but can only answer in Spanish?"

"Yeah." Erika walks in and greets Y/N. Y/N kisses her cheek.

"So, Y/N, where are you from?" Erika asks.

"Venezuela." Y/N answers.

"You've grown so much. I remember when you and Lele first came to America and were just starting your Vine careers."

"Jake, solo soy dos años mas joven que tu." (I'm only two years younger than you)

"What did she say?" Jake asks me.

"She said she's only two years younger than you."
I walk through the house looking for Y/N. I find her sitting in the office talking on her phone. She ends the phone call. "Hola." She says.

"Hola. ¿Qué tal?" I ask. (How are you)

"Bien." She answers.

"Me preguntaba si te gustaría ir a una cita conmigo." ( I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me.) I say.

"¡Sí!" She says.
After the date
I walk Y/N up to her apartment door. "Me divertí esta noche." I say. ( I had fun tonight.)

"Sí, quizás puedas hacerlo de nuevo en algún momento." ( maybe we should do it again sometime.)

"Sí. Bueno noche." I say. I kiss her cheek and she walks inside. I will definitely do it again sometime soon.

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