Ray Diaz

519 12 1

Ray's p.o.v.

I pick up my 8 month old son, Michael, and my 4 year old daughter Ellis runs in. "Daddy, when's mommy going to be back?" She asks. Her eyes just like Y/N.

"Soon, princess." I say. She nobs and runs away.

"Hi my little man." I say to Michael as I grab a diaper and walk to the living room. I get Michael changed and the door opens.

"Mommy!" Ellis yells.

"Hey princess." Y/N says.

"Hey baby." I say picking Michael up.

"I have my princess, my lil man and my sexy Cuban." (Yes, Ray is Cuban-American.) Y/N says. She kisses me.

"Ew!" Ellis yells. Y/N and I laugh. "Mommy?"

"Yeah?" Y/N asks looking down.

"Can we go get ice cream?" Ellis asks.

"Of course we can. Can you grab Mikey's stroller?" Y/N asks. Ellis nobs.

"She's such a goof." I say.

"She got it from you." Y/N says.

"Mommy! Mikey's stroller is outside ready to go!" Ellis yells.

"Okay, princess go put shoes on." Y/N says. Ellis runs back with her shoes on. "Okay, lets go." Y/N says. We walk outside. Y/N sets Michael down into his stroller and we walk to the ice cream parlor.

"What did you do today mommy?" Ellis asks.

"Well I took some pictures of nature and I got some new clients." Y/N says. "What about you?"

"I helped daddy work out today." Ellis says.

"How did you do that?" Y/N asks.

"I ran around and daddy had to chase me. Once he got me we had to roll across the floor." Ellis says.

"Well that seems like fun." Y/N says. We walk up to the window.

"What can I get you?" The teenage boy asks. "Can I start off by giving you my number?" He asks Y/N.

"I would love too, but I'm 28, married and I have two kids." Y/N smiles.

"Oh well my apologies." He says blushing.

"If I wasn't married, a mom and ten years older than you it would've worked. It's summer and there's many girls that would be willing to date you.  How do you think ai got him?" Y/N says.

"Well what can I get you?"

8:00 at night

"Well the kids are asleep." I say flopping down on the bed. "You must be the nicest person to turn a kid down." I say.

"What was I supposed to say? I have a husband? Sorry you're to young for me?" Y/N asks while yawning. She turns on her side. "I love you." Y/N says.

"I love you too." I say and fall asleep.

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