Jake Paul-Requst

941 10 7

I'm using Y/N because I didn't get our name
I walk into the Team 10 house. My best friend/crush Jake lives here with a bunch of other people. I set my bags down and start yelling Ohio for no reason at all. "Y/N!" Jake yells running down the stairs with his camera. He pulls me into a hug. "Let's pull a prank on Tessa." He says. I agree mainly because I get to prank Tessa,  and because I get to be close to Jake. We set the prank up. We walk Tessa up and she walks right into the prank. We laugh for a while and continue on with the day.
I get back to the house from getting take out. I over hear Jake talking. "No, I really like Y/N, I'm scared if I tell her that our friend ship will be ruined."

"Are you sure that you don't want to tell her because she'll think it's a joke?" I hear Kade says.

"That too. I don't know what to do, she'll be back soon with food. This stays between you, me and these four walls." I open and close the front door.

"I'm back with food!" I yell. Jake quickly glares at Kade. I laugh on the inside.
Sorry it's late.

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