Chance Sutton Part 2

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Y/N's p.o.v.

"Tessa! Erika! Come on let's go!" I yell. They walk down the stairs.

 They walk down the stairs

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"What are you wearing?" They ask

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"What are you wearing?" They ask.

"What are you wearing?" They ask

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"We're going paintballing." I say. "Go change." I say.

They come back down the stairs.

I roll my eyes

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I roll my eyes. "If you hurt yourself not my fault." I say. I grab Winchester's leash. "Winchester!" I yell.

He barrels through the hallway

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He barrels through the hallway. He stops in front of me. I tie an orange bandana around his neck. I clip the leash on. I grab my keys. "Ready?" I ask. They nod.

I drop the tailgate and put my paintballs and gun in the tool box

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I drop the tailgate and put my paintballs and gun in the tool box. I help Winchester in and close it. "Isn't that illegal?" Tessa asks.

"Not back home in Ohio." (I'm from Michigan and, on the farm we always but the dogs in the bed of the truck because they run through cow shit, chicken shit, mud and they run through the pond.) I say.
I get in and start the truck. Erika turns the radio station, to pop music. I change it back.

"Hey!" She says.

"Driver picks the music shut gun shuts his cake hole." (If any of you know that saying we can be friends.)

I pull up next to Chance's truck.

(It's an orange version of Jake's Toyota

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(It's an orange version of Jake's Toyota.)

I get out of the truck and pet Remington.

I get out of the truck and pet Remington

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I tie a blue bandana around his neck.
"Hi bud. Hug?" I ask. He puts his front legs on my shoulders. "Thank you bud." He gets down.

"Why is Jake, Chance and Anthony here?"Tessa asks.

"Team Bride vs Team Groom." I say. I hand Tessa and Erika a bag of orange paintballs. "Go into the shop and say you're with Sutton and Y/Last/N." I say. They walk into the store.

They walk out. Chance, Jake and Anthony, walk over to me. "Hey how's having Tessa and Erika on your team?" Chance asks. I glare at him. "Good luck." He says.z

"Good luck." I say. I get Winchester out of the truck.

"Why, did you bring your dog?" Erika asks.

"The dogs can go and get the enemies flag but you can't shoot at them." I say.

"How do they know what to do?" Tessa asks.

"Chance and I've trained them what to do." I say. I open our bunker and tie the flag onto a stick. A whistle blasts and I release Winchester.
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Team Groom wins. "There's paint in my hair." Erika complains

"I'm going to have bruises." Tessa complains.

"Stop complaining." I say.
I drop Erika off at the Team 10 house and Tessa at her and Tristan's house. I drive back to mine and Chance's house. Reminton jumps out of Chance's truck and Chance shut the toolbox. "I love you." Chance says.

"I love you too." I say.

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