
349 3 7

HOLY SHIT! Yo! We're almost to a million fucking reads! You guys are fucking amazing! Sorry for the swearing but damn! I didn't even realize that this is 109 parts! I honest love every single one of you. Without you guys I won't be this far! You guys are so supportive and you guys understand that I'm not always able to upload. You guys make me want to keep writing. You guys just blow my mind that you like my writing. I have low confidence in my writing because I think it's shit and I'll never get anywhere with it. Which I won't because after high school I'll be joining the Air Fource and once I'm done there I'll be a mechanic. You guys probably don't care about want I want to do in life but, it's whatever. But you guys kick ass! 95.2 thousand reads on this! (As of 12/17/17) 1.5k votes! And 65 followers! Like I said before I never thought to even get 100. But almost a million!? It blows my mind! I love you guys so much for all the time you spend reading this "book"

I was thinking about starting another book once this gets to 200 parts(that's the max number of parts). The options are:
Why Don't We Imagines
A book two to this one
A story that is not a fanfic that I have created
Comment which one please!

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