Jake Paul

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"What's Skate Maloley doing here?" I ask.

"Because I invited him." Y/N says.

"Why, so you can cheat on me?"

"Are you really that stupid?"

"How am I the stupid one? You invited your side dick to come over when I'm still here!"

"You fucking married Erika when y'all went to Vegas! I don't know why you're upset we broke up!"

"It upsets me because we broke up like a month ago, and you already moved on!"

"Dude, you fucked Tessa, Erika and fucking Alissa! I go back to Omaha to visit my family and bring someone home with me and you're accusing me of cheating. Cheating on a relationship that doesn't even fucking exist!"

"Don't accuse me of things I didn't do!"

"Fuck you! Nate, get your damn ass out here or I'm fucking leaving you!" She shouts.

"Y/N, come on don't leave." I say.

"Why, so I can get the fact that my ex-boyfriend got married behind my back for view?"

"Can you just let me explain!"

"No! Putting that fucking ring on her finger, explains everything! Nathan Montgomery Maloley! Hurry the fuck up or I'm sticking my foot up for ass sideways!" He walks into the room.

"What's up? Did he hurt you?" Skate asks. "If you touched a hair on her head I'll fucking beat your ass." He says.

"You don't have the balls." I say. He goes to swing and Y/N grabs his hand.

"Don't ever say that to my fucking brother or I'll cut your dick off! My brother is the main fucking reason why mine, still alive! I don't need him sitting in jail because you're a little bitch and almost got your shit jacked!"

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