Jake and Logan Paul Part 2

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Y/N's Point Of View
5 Years Later

I land in LAX. I call a cab and pull my phone out of my pocket. I call Logan.

"Y/N/N!" (Nickname) "What's up?"

"I need you to go over to the Team 10 house. I want you and Jakey to sit in his room."

"Is everything good?"

"Logan, do what I said."

"Okay, okay."

"Love you lil bro."

"Love you Y/N/N." I hang up. I arrive at the Team 10 house. I see Logan's G-wagon. I pay the drive walk in the house. Erika, Tessa, Chance and Anthony stand there.

"Are the boys up in Jake's room?" I ask.

"Yeah, why?" Erika asks.

"Reasons." I walk upstairs to Jake's room. Anthony behind me with a camera. I walk in. Jake jumps from the bed and wraps his arms around me. He sobs into my right shoulder. Logan jumps from the bed and sobs onto my left shoulder. "Shh." I rub their backs. Logan lets go and grabs his camera.

"Logang, my sister and lil bro who is uncontrollably crying." He turns the camera off.

"Jake. Look at me." He looks at me. I wipe away his tears. "I'm staying home. I'm retired."

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