Logan Paul

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annz1208 commented fisrt
I know you guys don't like song imagines but I was listening to this song and got the idea
Logan's p.o.v.

I sit in the doctor's office waiting for the results. "Logan, if I do have cancer we'll do as much as possible." Y/N says.

"If you die, what about our future?" I ask. "What about our wedding plans?" I ask tears in my eyes.

"Let's get eloped." Y/N says. The doctor walks in.

"I'm sorry to inform you but Mrs. Paul, you're positive for lung cancer." The doctor says. I feel my heart break. I see Y/N smile.

"Bring it on." She says. I look up at her. She looks at me. "Always be a Maverick." She smirks.

I park the car. "You hungry?" I ask.

"Nope! Lets go Moutain climbing!" She yells.

"Babe, you were just diagnosed with ling cancer half an hour ago." I say.

"And that's supposed to stop me? Logan I've been dating you for three years. Nothing stops me or you." She says.

"You're right, I just want to make sure your healthy." I say.

"Yeah and you can make sure I'm healthy while we go mountain climbing." She says.

"Fine." I say.

"Yay!" I laugh.

"Where too?" I ask.

"Hollywood sign." She says. I grab her hand.

"Whatever you say." I say kissing her knuckles.

2 hours later.

I walk into the bathroom. Y/N takes a hair clipper to her hair. "Baby, what are you doing?" I panic.

"Cutting my hair so, it doesn't have to fall out and look patchy." She says.

She gets done. All her hair gone. "If I survive it'll grow back Logan." She says.

"Can you stop saying 'if I survive'?" I ask.

"Logan, you know there's a fifty percent chance of me living." She says.

"I know, but I just want to look on the positive side of things." I say.

"That's why I love you. Always looking on the bright side of the dark times." She says.

5 months later.

I sit in the doctor's office, with Y/N on the bed. (You know the little room go into so you can talk privately with the doctor.) My hands are sweating and I'm shaking. The doctor walks in.

"Mr. and Mrs. Paul?" She asks.

"That's us." I say.

"I'm pleased to inform you Mrs. Paul that you are cancer free." She says. I pick Y/N up and spin her around.

"I cant wait to tell the vlog you're cancer free!" I yell.

We get home. I pull my camera out. "So, as you guys know, Y/N had an oppoument to see if her cancer is gone. SHE'S CANCER FREE!" I yell. "You know what that means! Our wedding, kids and some many blogs with her still in them." I say.

"I couldn't have done it without the help of Logan and you guys." Y/N says. "Thank you." She says kissing my cheek.

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