Anthony Trujillo-Requested

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Officially the last dirty one.
I wake up completely naked. I reach under the bed for the duffel bag of clothes that I keep in here for moments like this. I pull on the underwear and sports bra in there. I then stand up and pull on the shorts and tank top. I walk out of the room. I'm greeted by Jake. "What's were you doing in there?" Jake asks suspiciously.

"My air conditioning isn't working." I say. Not lying completely.

"I thought we fixed it." Jake says.

"Fixed it as in you taped my vent shut. So Chance and Anthony have been letting me sleep in there." I say. It's not completely true. There's more to why I sleep in other then the fact that my air conditioning doesn't work. Anthony and I've been dating for five months and nobody knows. And since we're both barely out of our teens, dating him comes along with having sex.

"I'll call someone to fix it." He says getting ready to start his vlog. "Good morning Jake Paulers. So, right now we have Nia and we're going to prank Chance and Anthony. The prank we're doing is the house is on fire prank. I have this spray that smells like smoke and a smoke machaine. Nia is going to scream "the house is on fire" and we're going to spray this everywhere and their actually going to think that the house is on fire." We spray some of the fake smoke and smoke smelling spray to add affect. I start screaming. The door opens and Chance and Anthony run downstairs. Jake and I laugh. We go downstairs. "Lets go to the beach."

"Sure." We change and go to the beach. Every once in awhile I would catch Anthony staring at my butt. I wink at him and he flips me off, which is code for make it seem like you're calling someone for a date.
I dress in something fancy and walk downstairs. Anthony left three hours before I do. "Where ya going?" Erika asks.

"This guy and I are going on a date."

"Is he cute?" Tessa asks.

"He's hot." All this talk about Anthony makes me want him more then I already do. "I gotta get going for I'm gonna be late." I say. I rush outside and get in the car Anthony called for me. I raddle off the address of the hotel. We arrive. I get out and run inside. I run to Anthony's room. I knock on the door. He opens it and tosses me onto the bed.

"You know we should tell Team 10 that we're dating right?" I moan out as Anthony kisses my neck.

"Tomorrow." He mumbles sending vibrations down my spine. Anthony slowly takes my dress off not wanting to ruin it. I lay on the bed in nothing but my bra and underwear. I flip us over so I'm on top. I slowly unbutton his dress shirt. He slides his shirt off. I pull his pants down and palm him through his boxers. He grows harder and he flips us over so he's on top. He yanks my underwear and bra off. He rolls on a condom and he slams into me. I moan out in pleasure. He continues to thrust in and out. I dig my nails into his back.
I wake up back at the Team 10 house. Erika comes in. "How you feeling?"

"What happened?" I ask.

"Anthony said that you got waisted and feel asleep on a bench outside the restraunt that your date was at so he brought you home. You guys should really think about dating." I giggle. Anthony walks into the room.

"How you feeling?" He asks.

"I'm fine." I say. I get out of bed. Erika's eyes grow the size of saucers. Anthony blushes. I look in the mirror.

"Please tell me that's not what I think it is." Erika demanded. Erika being the mom figure in the house she gets protictive.

"What do you think it is?" I ask.

"A hickey." She says.

"Run!" I run downstairs and run into Kade. I put my hair over it so nobody sees it.

"I want everyone in the office." Anthony says. 'I'm screwed.' I think. We walk into the office. "Nia and I are dating and that's how she got the hickey." Anthony says.

"My boi be smashing!" Chance and Jake yells.
I'm extremely sorry for it being thus late. I have loads of homework and I have robotics every Thursday. I try my best to get these out in time. So updates will be slow.

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