Chance Sutton

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Chance's p.o.v.

Y/N's phone dings and I check it.

Sammy💙: Love you too

I feel anger erupt within me. "Y/N!" I shout.

"Yeah?" She asks walking into the room.

"Who the fuck is Sammy?" I shout.

"I need a last name." She says.

"The one in your phone with a blue heart emoji next his name!" I shout pushing her into a corner.

"So it's okay for you to go through my phone but god forbid if I want to go through yours?!" She yells. I push her further into the corner. She punches me in the jaw.

"You do not put your hands on a woman!" She growls at me.

"Tell me who the fuck Sammy is!" I shout. Her phone dings again. I look who it is.

Natey Boy🔥: Lil momma you should come visit

"Are you cheating on me?" I yell pushing her again. She pulls me into a head lot and slams me to the ground.

"For one Sammy is my brother Natey Boy is a kid I grew up with and you fight like a lil bitch." Y/N says. "If you're gonna go through my phone you better asks who someone is before you get pissed at me. I don't get pissed when some bitch texts you." Y/N snarles. She gets up. "Your lucky I'm still pretty high right now or I would've thrown you through a fucking wall."

"Is that what you do when you leave? You go and get high?" I ask.

"I've been getting high since the age of 16 dumbfuck. Maybe you should try it. Maybe you wouldn't be such a high strung tight wad." Y/N says. Her phone dings again. I get up and grab it.

Baby Blue💯: We need help

"Who's Baby Blue?" I ask.

"Jack. Do you want me to go through who everyone is in my fucking contacts?" I asks.

"Sure." I snap.

"Sammy💙, is my twin brother. Natey Boy🔥, is my best friend. Baby Blue💯, my client and friend. Baby G🎈, also my client and friend. Benny BooBoo💜, my big brother. Annie Bannie🍌, my big sister. Emmi Nemmie🌼, my other big sister. Momma Wilk🌸, my momma. Papa Wilk🐙, my dad. Then it's self fucking explanatory who the fuck everyone else is." She says. "Do you really fucking think I would cheat?" She asks.

"Well, your a model and an agent so." I say. She slaps me.

"Wow, thanks for saying you think I would cheat. You cheated and I stayed with you. Fuck you. I'm leaving you." She says packing her stuff and leaving.

Hope you guys liked it!

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