Chad Tepper

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Chad's Point Of View

"Okay, we're doing a tattoo spin the wheel." I say into my camera. I spin the wheel and have to get 'Don't Come For Me' tattooed on my arm.

"Chad?" The artist asks as I sit down.

"Y/N? It's you?"

"It's me, hun. So, what you gettin?" I show her the logo. She draws it out and the stencils it onto my arm. "So, how has life been?"

"Good, you?"

"I got my shop opened. Come on down and I'll get you a family discount."

"Do you talk to everyone that you give tats to?"

"Yeah. It helps people calm down and they forget that I'm even sticking hundreds of tiny needles into there body." The gun suddenly stops. "Done."

"You're done already?"

"Talking to people makes it go by quicker."

"You have anything to day to the Teppers?"

"Subscribe to my channel. Y/N Y/L/N Vlogs. Follow my shop on instagram and twitter @y/n's tat shop."

"Plug." Someone's phone rings.

"Hello." Y/N says into her phone. "Montgomery, baby, calm down. I'll be there in five minutes okay baby. Shhhh. Keep talking to me. Okay. Grab my blanket off my bed and curl up and I'll be there in five minutes. Love you baby girl." She hangs up. "Jake, I'll be back in ten minutes. I may or may not have Montgomery with me."

"Bring her over."

"Okay. Chad, I'm pretty sure you know this but, keep the gauze on for two hours then take care of it." She rushes out the door.

"Her kid is so cute." Erika says.

"So, her kid is a girl? Why is her name Montgomery?" Chance asks.

"She told me it was because when Montgomery was born they thought she was a boy. So, they didn't have a girl name picked out." Tessa says.

10 minutes later

Y/N walks in with a little girl holding her hand. "Uncle Jakey!"

"Hey, sweetie." He hugs her.

"Aunt Erik!" She hugs Erika.

"Montgomery I have some tattoos to do."

"Okay." I get up and walk towards her. "You're Chad aren't you?" She asks. "Momma talks about you all the time."

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Yeah." She yawns. I pull her into my lap. She falls asleep.

"Are you talk boring to talk to that you put a four year old to sleep?" Anthony asks.

"She didn't sleep last night because she had nightmares." Y/N says.

"Poor baby." Erika says

4 hours later

"Hey YouTube." Y/N says. "So, Montgomery is sleeping and we are getting ready to go home." Y/N says in her camera walking up to Montgomery.

"Hey, Y/N. I was um, wondering if you would um, go on a um, date with me Saturday?"

"What time?"

"8?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'll drop Montgomery off at my folks."

"Okay. I'll pick you up then."

"I'm looking forward to it." She smiles and walks out of the house.

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