Jake Paul and Erika Costell Part 2

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Practice gets done and I start walking home. As I walk someone, grabs my shoulder. I turn around and realize it's Logan. "What are you doing?" He asks.

"Walking back to the house." I say.

"Come on, I'll drop you off." He says gesturing to his G-Wagon. I get in the passenger seat.

"What are you doing on this side of LA?"

"House shopping."

"Oh." We pull up to the house. Under Erika standing outside. "Thanks."

"No problem." I get out. Jake walks outside.

"Y/N I'm sorry." I ignore him.

"Y/N, talk to us." Erika says.

"Why? You broke my trust once. I'm not letting it happen again. I wasn't the one who thought is was a good idea to adopt someone who is five years younger then themselves." She was walking into the house. "I'll be out of the house by tonight." I says.

"Jake, I told you that this prank went to far." Erika says.

"Let her move out. Maybe she'll realize what she has." Jake says. I open the door to mine and Tessa's room.

"Hey girly." Tessa says.

"Hi." I say grabbing my phone and factor resetting it. She walks into the bathroom. I write a note.

Team 10

I apologize for not being good enough. I left everything in a tote under my bed.

I fold the note and set it on my bed. I pull out the clothes I bought myself from working. I sling my bag over my shoulder and walk to Jake and Erika's room. I shut the door behind me and climb down the side off the house. I start walking. I see head lights and I try to continue walking. The car stops next to me and I realize it's Kade. "What are you doing?"

"It's none of your concern." I say. I walk away. He gets out of his car. He wraps his arms around my waist and puts me in the back of the car. "I can't go back."

"Why? So, Erika can tear down LA looking for you? I'm not letting you leave." We pull up to the house. Kade slings me over his shoulder and brings me back into the house.

"Jake! YOU CAN'T LET HER WALK OUT OF THE FUCKING HOUSE! SHE IS ONLY 15! SHE HIDES EVERYTHING FROM US!" Anthony walks into the kitchen and see me being held by Kade. Anthony wraps his arms around me.

"They've been fighting since you left."

"Jake, doesn't want me here. Erika doesn't realize that she doesn't want me here. I just hold the team back. The only few who want me here is You, Kade,and Tessa. Chance, doesn't even know who I am. Jake, hates me. Nick, Nick's just Nick. The twins hate me because I'm not old enough for us to date." Erika walks down the stairs. Kade holds my left shoulder while Anthony holds my right. I hear sobs coming from upstairs. Erika pulls me into a hug. She strokes my hair. She takes me upstairs to Tessa's room. Erika opens the door just a little bit. I see Jake sitting on what was my bed crying, holding a picture from when Jake and Erika first adopted me. Apollo crawls onto Jake's lap. I sit down next to Jake.

"I miss her Erika. I didn't know she thought like that." He sobs leaning his head on my shoulder. "I know she's five years younger then me, but I think of her as a daughter to me." He sobs on my shoulder. He looks up and realizes that I'm not Erika. "You came back?" I nod.

"Kade, told me that Erika would tear down LA looking for me."

"I really do see you as a daughter to me. I love you like a daughter." I start crying.
5 hours later
I wake up at 3 in the morning, I woke up from a nightmare. I get out of bed and walk to Jake and Erika's room. I open the door and crawl into bed with them. I go to bed realizing that I have a family.
Tell me what you thought about the first and second part of this imagine. If there's an imagine that you think needs another part to it let me know.

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