Tristan Tales

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"Come on baby, you can do this."

"I can't do this Tristan!" Y/N cries

"Just one more push and the baby's here. Squeeze my hand." She takes my hand and squeezes so hard. She pushes and we hear a baby cry.

"Congratulations it's a boy." The doctor hands us a blue bundle.

"Tristan he looks just like you."

"I know. We make some beautiful kids."

4 hours later

I help Y/N into the car and buckle Kaine in to the car. "You hungry baby girl?" I set my hand on her thigh.

"Not really." She yawns.

"You just had a baby. Try and eat something for me and Kaine. Where do you wanna go?"

"Where ever you want to."

"Burger King?"

"Sure." She rests her head on the headrest and closes her eyes.

"What would you like?"

"Chicken fry things."

"Okay. You go to sleep baby momma."

"Don't call me that. It makes me seem old."

"Baby momma. Baby momma. Baby momma."

"Baby daddy."

"You already call me daddy." I say kissing her hand.


"That's not the only thing you shout." I smirk.

"Dam you."

"That's what you said when the condom broke the first time we had sex."

"I swear Tristan."

We pull up to Burger King. I order and take my family home.

Later that night

I sit on the couch with Y/N's head in my lap and Kaine sleeping on her chest. I take a picture

(The pillow is Tristan's legs and change the women to you)

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(The pillow is Tristan's legs and change the women to you)

I post it on instagram captioning it I love my family @y/i/n (your instagram name)

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