Emilio Martinez-Requested

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I get out of bed and brush my brown hair with blue tips. I pull it up into a ponytail and brush my teeth. I get dressed and walk out of my room I share withChance, Anthony,Emilio and Ivan. I walk to the kitchen and start making myself breakfast. I finish making the eggs and slide them onto the plate. I grab a fork and sit down. I feel Emilio wrap his arms around me. He sets his chin on my shoulder. "Want some?" I ask holding the fork up to his mouth.

I finish eating. I walk up to Emilio. "I'm going to the gym." I say kissing his cheek.

"Okay. Love you." He says.

"Love you too." I walk outside and the Uber pulls up.
2 hours later
I walk into the house. I see Chance, Ivan and Anthony sitting on the couch. "I'm taking a shower." I say.

"Okay." They say. I walk upstairs. I hear a noice. I shrug it off. I open the bedroom door and see Emilio and Tessa naked humping each other.

"Are you kidding me Emilio?!" I yell. They stop and he looks at me. His eyes grow wide. "Is this what you do when I go to the gym?!" I yell. Emilio gets up and pulls his underwear on.

"Natalie, let me explain." He says.

"Explain what?" I say trying not to cry.

"Baby please. Let me explain." He begs.

"No." I say packing my bags and pulling on a Jerika hoodie. I walk out of the room. "Jake can you drop me off at a hotel?" I ask.

"Is everything okay?" He asks.

"No." The tears just start flowing.

"Natalie, what's wrong?"

"Emilio. Just please drop me off at a hotel." He grabs the keys and we walk to his car.

"I'm sorry Natalie." Jake says.

"I should have listened when you said no to dating other members of Team 10." I say.

"Natalie, that is a rule that I made and broke. Think about it. I married Erika and I made the rule of no dating other members. Chance and Tessa. We all break rules." Jake says.

"I just feel stupid for dating him."

2 months later
Emilio's p.o.v.

I lay on my bed looking through all my pictures of Natalie and I. "Bro, get out of bed. You were the one who was stupid and cheated on her with Tessa." Ivan says.

"I know." I say starting to cry. Ivan rolls his eyes and walks out of the room.

I am so so so so so so sorry for this being so late. I promise to start updating more.

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