Chad Tepper

878 15 0

Mackenzie on the left and Ellis oh the right
I walk Ellis and Mackenzie across the road. I kneel down to their eye level. "Have a good day at school okay. I'll facetime momma when you guys get home." I kiss their foreheads. They walk into the school.

"A single dad?" A lady behind me asks.

"My wife is a Navy Seal. She's in Syria right now."

"My husband is in the Navy. He's in a sub right now."

"Yeah, my wife's coming home this week and she wants to surprise the kids."

"Yeah, my husband is coming home tomorrow so, the kids are in for a surprise."

"Well, I gotta get going. God bless."

"God bless." I walk to my car and start vlogging.

"What's up Teppers? So, I dropped Mac and Ellie of at school today and I have some info that I can't say in the vlog. Because my babies watch it. The secret will be posted on twitter."
Time skip to Y/N coming home
I press play on Up. The girls's favorite movie. Mac curls up against my side while Ellie curls up with her head on my lap. We hear the door shut. Y/N, walks into the living room. "Momma!" The girls start crying. I get off the couch and wrap my arms around Y/N and the girls.

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