Jake Paul

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Y/N's p.o.v.
"Jake! You're a fucking asshole! You wonder why when someone leaves Team 10 why the say shit about you! The Twins left because you were nothing but a dick! They came from Spain and hardly understood a lick of English! They looked up to me because they knew I wasn't gonna talk shit about them because I knew what they weren't through!"

"You spoke English when you joined." Jake says.

"I understand what they went through as in moving away from their family who needs them!  My dad went missing somewhere in Iraq! My mom is missing her left leg because she was in the army! I would most likely be in Iraq by now if I didn't "fall in love" with your narcissistic ass!" I yell. "You cheated on me with Alissa, Tess and Erika! But I thought that we could get through it! Every time Gray and Eth told me that I should break up with I told them no! You're the reason why I lost the best fucking friendship! I didn't use Gray and Eth and they didn't use me!" I shout.

"I cheated?! You cheated on me with both Ethan and Grayson!" Jake shouts.

"Like I would cheat on you with two kids I see as baby brothers! I babysat them when Sean, Lisa and Cameron were gone!" I shout grabing my phone and keys.

"What are you going to go and cheat on me?!" Jake yells.

"Nope! I'm leaving your narcissist greety ass! If I want to I'll go and hook up with Shawn freaking Mendes!" I yell.

"What are you going to sleep with everyone who was in the original MagCon?!" Jake yells.

"If I want to I will! I won't because I have respect for my body!" I yell walking out of his room.

"Y/N! I'm not done talking to you!" Jake yells.

"I don't give a shit! You just used me! I'm leaving you and this "team"! A team is a family! This is just a greety asshole who charges his friends! I know for sure Pam didn't raise you like this. But I guess that's what happens when you become an actor and a YouTuber." I say. I walk out the house. Jake grabs my wrist and yanks me into the house. I slap Jake as hard as possible on the cheek. He falls to the ground due to impact. I walk out of the house. I drive down the road and get stuck in traffic. I decide to call Ethan.

"Hey Y/N/N." (You're nickname) Ethan says.

"Is it okay if I stay with you guys for about a week?" I ask.

"Of course." Ethan says.

"Thanks bud."
I pull into a visiting parking spot at the apartment complex Ethan and Grayson live in. I walk up to the door and Ethan and Grayson let me in. "Is everything okay?" Grayson asks.

"I left Jake. Gonna expose him, make a video saying I'm done with YouTube and social media and get on a plane back to Jersey and join the army." I say.
Yo! Two updates and one random update in one day?! You guys hit hard! Somethings not even up one minute and already 3-5 views on it! I love you guys so freaking much!

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