Anthony Trujillo

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Anthony's p.o.v.

"What are you going to do if she dies?" Chance asks.

"You have a kid and you're just going to let Y/N walk out and join the army?" Jake asks.

"This is something Y/N's wanted to do her whole life." I argue back.

"That doesn't matter anymore. You have a kid together and you're just going to let Y/N walk out?" Kade asks.

"Y/N was supportive for all of you and now you're going to stab her in the back? Jake and Chance, you guys grew up with her. Kade, she helped you find clients." I say grabbing Michael and his car seat.

"Anthony, we're just asking you what you'd do if she died." Jake says.

"Fuck you guys." I say walking out of the house. I put Michael's car seat in the back seat. I buckle him in and get in the drivers seat. I back out of the driver and a car swerves into Michael's side of the car and the car gets flipped. I get out and try to get Michael out but only pull his body out. The dead lifeless body of my two year old son. I start crying and rocking back and forth holding his bloody body.

I wake up to someone shaking me. "What?" I ask sitting up.

"Baby, you're having a nightmare." Y/N says. I fling the blankets off and run to Michael's room. "Anthony, he's sleeping." Y/N says. I pick up Michael and hold him close to my chest. I feel his tiny heart beat, his little hands in fists resting against my chest. Y/N walks in and wraps one arm around Michael and me and her free hand rubs my lower back.

"When do you go back?" I ask.

"A week." She says resting her head on my shoulder. "Go back to bed. I'll be there in a minute." Y/N says taking Michael and laying him down. I walk back mine and Y/N's room. I get back under the covers and Y/N walks in. She gets under the covers and wraps her arms around me. "You need some sleep." She says. She kisses my forehead and I rest my head on her chest breathing in her scent I'll miss for a while until she comes back home to me and Michael.

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